Use Rapidpages to generate user interfaces from simple text prompts in seconds. Work directly in browser. No specialized hardware or software is required. See supported systems for more detail.

Generating User Interfaces with Rapidpages

Create a new account

You can create a free account using your Github or Google accounts. Each free account comes with free monthly generations. You can find more about the generations and pricing here.

Write your first prompt

On the homepage, you can write a prompt and generate an interface from it. Learning how to write effective prompts can take a while. For more information, check out the prompting guide.

User Interface Generation Process

After submitting a text prompt, your request get processed, and after a few seconds, the user interface will begin to be generated. You will be able to see the user interface as it’s generated. Once it’s completely generated, you will be able to make further changes to it.

Modify the user interface

After generating your user interface, several editing options become available:

  • Smart Edit
  • Iterative Prompt

Each edit is considered a new generation, and the history of the generations will be displayed on the left side of the screen.

Smart Edit

Located at the top right of the screen. Once activated, you can pick elements on the user interface and edit them directly in the browser. You can also add new elements, or delete existing ones.

Iterative Prompt

Located at the bottom of the screen, the Iterative Prompt allows you to create new generations based on the existing user interface. You can add new elements, modify, or delete existing ones.

Save the user interface

Once you are happy with the user interface, you can navigate to the Code tab and copy the code. You can then paste the code into a new file in your project. See the detailed guide on how to add the code to your project.